Our investment programs are individually designed to fit your specific investment goals, risk tolerance and time horizon. Your customized program will be based upon our understanding that it is difficult, at best, to try to pick the exact times to get into or out of the market.
Asset allocation is the process of selecting investment “classes” to include in your portfolio so that the portfolio can achieve your investment goals within your risk parameters. This Process includes:
Defining Your Risk Parameter
Blanton Financial Advisors understands the importance of risk tolerance. Working with you, we will help determine the extent of your ability to accept volatility in your portfolio.
Defining Your Investment Objectives
Our advisors can develop a suitable investment program once your financial goals are determined. The objectives of a qualified retirement plan are different from non-qualified plans, just as personal investments vary from business investments.
Identifying Appropriate Asset Classes
Not all asset classes are suitable for any given portfolio. The selection of asset classes is a function of your risk tolerance and investment objectives.